PinnedPublished inCrewNew.comDirectus Backend-as-a-Service & No-Code Admin Panel App (CMS)Directus is open-source BaaS that layers on top of existing SQL database but better builds tables there. Like Hasura (I’ve written about…Apr 22, 20221Apr 22, 20221
Finding Nearby Items and Sorting by Distance: A Guide with Hasura and PostGISI found some tutorials on how to find all the items that are within a certain distance from LAT/LON (latitude/longitude) but didn’t find…Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
Hasura GraphQL Engine & SQL Functions: Unveiling User Similarities and Crafting…In today’s connected world, providing users with personalized experiences and recommendations tailored to their interests and preferences…Apr 26, 2023Apr 26, 2023
Agiilne (veebi, mobiili vms) arendus vs WaterfallLühidalt: kas tunnitasu põhiselt ja agile või projektipõhiselt ja waterfall. Agiilne on uus ja paremini töötav. Waterfall on vanamoodne ja…Mar 14, 2023Mar 14, 2023
Published inCrewNew.comDesigner & Custom Design vs Design System vs Ready Made TemplateWhether you’re designing a web or mobile app, an e-shop or a website, there’s always the same question. Should I pick a ready-made…Jan 13, 2023Jan 13, 2023
Published inCrewNew.comSuperpower yourself with N8N automations & integration of various systems/APIs🚀N8N is a low-code open-source visual workflow automation platform like Zapier/IFTTT/etc. And as it is open-source, it is also free, we can…Dec 22, 20221Dec 22, 20221
Published inCrewNew.eeCompare Tartu co-working office spaces 2023Fount seven co-working spaces — workspace rent locations in Tartu and two of them were sold out, so seems that Tartu is pretty active in…Nov 30, 2022Nov 30, 2022
Published inCrewNew.comAgile Software Craftsmanship by Uncle BobAt CrewNew the book “Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship” by Robert C. Martin aka. Uncle Bob (€27.19 with this URL) is…Nov 29, 20221Nov 29, 20221
Published inCrewNew.eeMillest oleneb kas veebi või mobiili äpp on kiire või aeglane?Uuendus: tegin video, et mis vahet on moodsal SPA ehk “single page app” ja traditsioonilise vanakooli “multi-page website” vahel. Lisaks…Oct 9, 2022Oct 9, 2022
Published inCrewNew.eeN8N automatiseerimine & erinevate süsteemide / APIde integreerimineN8N on low-code avatud lähtekoodiga (tasuta, ilus kood, igaüks võib endale sobivalt kohandada) visuaalne workflow automation (töövoogude…Sep 7, 2022Sep 7, 2022